
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Cannoli Event

It's that time of the year again for our annual Cannoli Event!  Join us on Wednesday March 8th at 2pm in FSC Room 2A and fill your own cannoli!

Sign-ups begin Wednesday 03/01, Thursday 03/02, and Monday 03/06 from 10-2 in the Fisher Student Center.

Our table will be right in front of the half wall next to the fireplace.

Our Prices:
One cannoli for $2
Two cannoli for $3

We will also have Jordan Patterson who studied abroad in Sicily last semester talking about his experience abroad!

Please join us on Wednesday, March 8th at 2pm in FSC room 1 to learn all about the cannoli and enjoy some as well!

If there are any questions please e-mail us at:

Also, check out our Twitter page for updates on the fun events we have planned for the rest of the semester!

A Carnevale Ogni Scherzo Vale!"

On Wednesday, February 22 IAA had their annual Venetian mask making event for Carnevale.
Created in Venice, Carnevale is a two week celebration that ends right before lent with martedi' grasso (fat Tuesday).  The festival is famous for its elaborate masks especially Venetian masks like those shown here:

People also wear elaborate costumes, attend masquerade balls, play games and throw confetti.  Pranks are common which led to the phrase:  "A Carnevale ogni scherzo vale."  This means that during Carnevale anything goes.

Here are some pictures from our event:

Want to know more about our events?  Check us out on Twitter!  @BryantUIAA or e-mail us at

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Ben tornati!

Welcome back everybody!  We hope you all had an excellent winter break and are all rested and ready to take on the spring semester with confidence.  Italian American Association has lots of events planned for this semester so mark your calendars!

Our Events:
2/8:  First general meeting of the semester -- Pizza and pasta will be served!

2/10:  Spring Org Fair

2/22:  Venetian mask making -- learn about Carnevale in Italy and how the whole country celebrates it while making your very own mask

3/8:  Cannoli making event -- sign up beforehand to fill your own cannoli shells

3/22:  IAA Film Event -- 3:00-5:30 in Bello 102, "La Pivellina"

3/29:  TBA

We look forward to seeing everyone again!